Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Home again (and away, again)

Well, I finally arrived home a couple of days ago, safe and well. Thanks againg to everyone who helped to re-patriate me.

I'm off to Dublin on Thursday (29 April) to run a 'train the trainers' session on E3. That'll be great fun, bearing in mind my 'history' with the paper. Updates on the Strategic Level pre-seen soon, I promise.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

On my way home

Well, here I am at Johannesburg airport, finally starting my journey home. Only 11 days late :(

My next gig is in Newcastle under Lyme on Wednesday evening, when I'll be doing a session for CIMA students on 'how to please the examiner'. The slides are on my slideshare page, if you want them.

Thanks again to all my friends in Africa. I'll be back to see you again in October/November.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Stuck in Johannesburg

Well, having been stuck in Accra, Ghana, last week, I decided to return to the CIMA office in Johannesburg until the dust settles. I'm unlikely to be travelling home before this weekend so, if any of you lucky Jo'burg students want to chat, I'm at the CIMA office. Just get in touch...

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Back on the road again...

Well, I'm off to Ghana in a couple of hours. It's my first visit there, so I'm very excited. It will also be good to get home on Friday - a month is a long time to be away.

Yesterday I went to the University of Stellenbosch, and met a load of students doing an honours program that leads into the Strategic Level of CIMA. It was nice to see so many young, enthusiastic, potential CIMA members. A few of them came along to my exam techniques presentation last night - I hope I didn't scare you too badly!

Thanks to all the lovely people I met in Cape Town and Stellenbosch. I'll be back in October to see you again.

Thought for the day...

Why would you (in an exam) write a sentence, if you didn't hope to get a mark for it?

Friday, 9 April 2010

Strategic Level pre-seen for May 2010

Well, I'm currently in Cape Town, after a lightning visit to Harare (where everyone was lovely), and Agnes has just pointed out that the pre-seen for May Strategic Level is out EARLY!

Read my post on Strategic Level for some suggestions how you might use it...