Anonymous wrote:
Hi Sir, I am wondering what should I buy that can give me lots of questions to prepare for the masters gateway program as practicing is the key to me? BPP and CIMA study etc all have limited practice questions. Please guide me. Regards.
There's no need to buy anything - start with the free stuff that CIMA has made available. You can get access to all of the past Gateway exams through, and the answers and post-exam guides by logging into MyCIMA, so that is a start, but I guess that most of those questions are in the BPP/Kaplan/CIMA material? You might also look for suitable questions from the past E2/P2/F2 exams? CIMA has made this easier for you, by providing tables showing which past exam questions cover which Learning Outcomes. You should, of course, concentrate on the types of question (and the Learning Outcomes) that are examined in the Gateway exam. Here's the link to the table for E2. I hope that helps.
Anonymous wrote:
Hi Sir, I am wondering what should I buy that can give me lots of questions to prepare for the masters gateway program as practicing is the key to me? BPP and CIMA study etc all have limited practice questions. Please guide me. Regards.
There's no need to buy anything - start with the free stuff that CIMA has made available. You can get access to all of the past Gateway exams through, and the answers and post-exam guides by logging into MyCIMA, so that is a start, but I guess that most of those questions are in the BPP/Kaplan/CIMA material? You might also look for suitable questions from the past E2/P2/F2 exams? CIMA has made this easier for you, by providing tables showing which past exam questions cover which Learning Outcomes. You should, of course, concentrate on the types of question (and the Learning Outcomes) that are examined in the Gateway exam. Here's the link to the table for E2. I hope that helps.